Benefits of Automated Meters
Automated meters save money, improve billing accuracy, locate outages and improve reliability.
Automated Meter F.A.Q.
Digital meters are rigorously tested for accuracy before leaving the manufacturer.
Public service commissions require meter manufacturers to supply independently-certified testing results to prove that the meters gernerate "on-the-mark" measurements.
Prior to installation, utilities perform accuracy tests.
Repeated tests confirm digital meters are accurate, in some cases more accurate than analog meters.
You can monitor your usage by the hour using our SmartHub service on your web browser or the convenient mobile app.
Automated meters are digital, and outfitted with wireless communication modules, so they emit radio frequency (RF) energy just like other common household devices like cell phones, satellite TVs, baby monitors and microwaves.
The World Health Organization has determined that the small amount of RF energy produced by automated meters is not harmful to human health. The amount emitted is well below the limits set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and below the levels produced by other common household devices.
No credible evidence shows any threat to human health from RF emissions at or below the limits developed by the FCC.
Automated meters must meet safety requirements and standards spelled out in the National Electric Safety Code (NESC).
Public service commissions require independent certification proving the meters are safe and show resistance to heat, fire, voltages, surges and self-heating.
Meters must be installed and uninstalled by trained professionals exercising safety precautions.
Automated meters use advanced security and encryption technology to safeguard your data. They measure how much energy you use at different times of the day, but not how that energy as used.
Utilities adhere to strict policies following state laws regulating the use of personal information for business functions like billing and customer service. Systems are regularly audited to ensure privacy and security of automated meters.