Prairie Land Electric Cooperative, Inc. gives you a choice of billing programs.


Traditional Billing

Traditional Billing:  A new member is subject to a credit check and may require a deposit to start services. Meters are read on the 25th of each month, and bills are prepared for mailing at the first of the next month.

The amount you owe varies from month to month based upon your exact usage. Your payment is due on the 25th of each month. If you don't make the payment and services are disconnected, there are disconnect and reconnect fees assessed to re-start service.

Paperless Billing

Electronic or Paperless Billing:  This has the same rules as traditional billing, but you receive your bill via email instead of the U.S. Mail. Help reduce our carbon footprint and save time, trees and money. 

Sign up for paperless billing through SmartHub. Go online to sign in, then click on "My Profile."  Select "Update My Paperless Settings" and toggle your "Paperless" to "on." Follow these instructions for mobile (Click "More">"Settings">"Paperless Billing"> and toggle it on).

Budget Billing

Budget Billing: This program checks your usage over the previous year and estimates an equal payment for each month of the following year. You will still get monthly readings but the amount owed is based on the budget payment rather than your usage.

You choose to receive your bill by email or by U.S. Mail. This program is only available after you have lived at your current address for a full year. Call 1-800-577-3323 to request Budget Billing.

PrePaid Billing

Prepaid Billing: This program can be helpful for those who get paid after the billing cut-off, or for new members who have trouble coming up with a large deposit. With Prepaid Billing, there are no credit checks, no deposits, no late fees, and no disconnect and reconnect fees. You have the power to pay for electricity on your own schedule. Purchase electricity on an as-needed, pay-as-you-go basis. Call 1-800-577-3323 to see if you are a good candidate for Prepaid Billing.