At Prairie Land Electric, your voice matters. Since 1938, we’ve been owned and governed by members like you. Your vote in our annual board election is your voice in your cooperative, a chance to weigh in on leaders who will represent you and your interests.
Please vote in the trustee election each year. Details for the upcoming election are below. If you have further questions, please call our headquarters at 785-877-3323 or 800-577-3323.

The Bylaws of the Cooperative provide that the following positions will be elected in the 2025 Trustee Election:
District 1 – Cheyenne, Rawlins, Sherman, and Thomas counties.
SCOTT URBAN of Atwood currently holds this position.
District 2 – Decatur, Norton, and Phillips counties.
IVAN BOHL of Norton currently holds this position.
District 3 – Graham, Rooks, and Sheridan counties.
SANDRA BENOIT of Damar currently holds this position.
As outlined in the Cooperative’s Bylaws, a Nominating Committee met in our Norton office on December 11, 2024, and selected the following candidates to run for the trustee election positions in this year’s election:
District 1 – Cheyenne, Rawlins, Sherman, and Thomas counties.
SCOTT URBAN of Atwood currently holds this position.
District 2 – Decatur, Norton, and Phillips counties.
IVAN BOHL of Norton currently holds this position.
District 3 – Graham, Rooks, and Sheridan counties.
SANDRA BENOIT of Damar currently holds this position.
Per Cooperative’s Bylaws, nominations may also be made by petition. Interested candidates may contact the Norton office to request the appropriate form. The petition must be signed by not less than twenty-five (25) members of the district for whom the Trustee is to be elected. Petitions need to be delivered to our Norton office by 5:00PM on January 10, 2025. All nominations shall be posted in the Norton and Concordia offices.
On January 2nd, 2025, the following candidate satisfied the prescribed requirements and was nominated by petition:
District 2 – MAX DIBBLE of Phillipsburg.
District 1
SCOTT URBAN lives southeast of Atwood, KS and has been a member of Prairie Land Electric Cooperative, Inc. for over 20 years. He owns and operates Urban Farms & Cattle Inc., a large farming and ranching operation founded in 1998. Scott has earned an Associate of Arts degree from Colby Community College and a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Fort Hays State University. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, an active and supportive FFA alumni and a member of the Kansas Wrestling Coaches Association. He previously served on the board for the Atwood Kids Wrestling program and has been the head wrestling coach at the high school for over 20 years.
District 2
Ivan Bohl and his wife, Pat, live northwest of Norton, Kansas. Ivan joined the Prairie Land Board in January 2004. He has a multi-generational diversified farming operation including dry land and irrigated crops. Ivan has been active in various community activities as a lifelong resident of Norton County. He is a member and serves on the Council of the Redeemer Lutheran Church. Pat is a retired loan officer from the Farm Service Agency which serves Decatur, Norton, and Phillips Counties. Ivan & Pat enjoy their seven children, nineteen grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.
Max Dibble, of Phillipsburg, Kansas, has been a member of Prairie Land Electric Cooperative for 34 years and is eager to contribute his experience as a trustee. Max holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts in mathematics from Fort Hays State University. He is the owner of Phillipsburg Liquor & Wine, a retail business he established in 2008. His previous professional background includes roles as a corporate IT manager, computer store owner, programmer, and high school teacher. As an active community member, Max is engaged with the Phillipsburg Chamber of Commerce, the Phillipsburg County Rod & Custom Club, and serves as president of Route 36 Quail Forever. Max also served as Phillips County Commissioner for District 2 and set on the board of directors for the Northwest Kansas Planning and Development Commission. His additional leadership roles included serving on the Kansas Association of County Commissioners Board of Directors and Kansas Department of Transportation Task Force. Max and his wife, Pam, have a blended family with five children and 11 grandchildren.
District 3
SANDRA (SANDY) BENOIT and her husband, Don, live in Damar and have been Prairie Land members since 1994. Sandra joined the Prairie Land Board on April 4, 2017. In April 2018, she was appointed to be the secretary of the Prairie Land Board of Trustees and serves in that office today. She also holds a position as a Director on the Board of the Sunflower Electric Power Corporation. She has earned the Credentialed Cooperative Director, Board Leadership, and Director Gold certificates. Sandra is the office manager for Rooks County Rural Water District No. 3 in Plainville and accounts receivable clerk for Pfeifer Dozer & Well Service in Hill City. Don is a farmer and rancher. Sandra graduated from Fort Hays State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing. She is a member of St Joseph’s Catholic Church and serves as treasurer of St. Ann’s Sodality. Sandra also serves on St. Joseph’s Cemetery Committee, Damar Community Foundation, Damar City Council, and Rooks County Cancer Council. Sandra and Don have been married 36 years and have four grown children and seven grandchildren.
The election shall be conducted on an “at large” basis; therefore every member of Prairie Land Electric is eligible to vote for all positions in the election. Upon completion of the nominating process, voting materials will be mailed to Prairie Land members by January 24, 2025. The Bylaws, as amended, require the use of mail ballots for Trustee elections. Ballots and a postage paid return envelope will be furnished for the member to use.
Ballots must be returned to the Norton office by 5:00PM on Monday, February 10, 2025.
An Election and Credentials committee will count the ballots by February 20th and the election results will then be announced.