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This article is from the November issue of the Kansas Country Living magazine.

The bylaws of the cooperative provide that the following positions will be elected in the 2023 trustee election:

District 1 
Cheyenne and Rawlins counties 
Mike Rogers of Saint Francis currently holds this position. 
District 2
Decatur, Norton and Phillips counties 
Keith Ross of Long Island currently holds this position. 
District 4
Smith, Jewell, Osborne and Mitchell counties 
Ronald G. Griffith of Smith Center currently holds this position.
District 5
Republic, Washington, Cloud and Clay counties
Jerry Gallagher of Concordia currently not seeking re-election.

A nominating committee has been appointed to meet and nominate candidates for these positions. If you are interested in being nominated for one of the positions, contact a member of the committee to discuss your nomination. 

The committee will meet on Dec. 13, 2022, at 1 p.m. at the Prairie Land Electric office at 14935 U.S. Highway 36 in Norton. 

Nominating Committee Members Include:
Roger Zweygardt – St. Francis
Stephen washburn – Norton
Rodney Belleau – Hill City
Dennis Hansen – Smith Center
Jerry Stenberg – Clyde 

Nominations may also be made by petition. Interested candidates should contact the Norton office to request the appropriate form.

The petition must be signed by not less than 25 members of the district for whom the trustee is to be elected. Petitions need to be delivered to the Norton office by 5 p.m. on Jan. 11, 2023. All nominations shall be posted in the Norton office.

The election shall be conducted on an “at large” basis; therefore every member of Prairie Land Electric is eligible to vote for all positions in the election. Upon completion of the nominating process, voting materials will be mailed to Prairie Land members by Jan. 25, 2023. The bylaws, as amended, require the use of mail ballots for trustee elections. 

Ballots and a postage-paid return envelope will be furnished for the member to use. Ballots must be returned to the Norton office by 5 p.m. on Feb. 10, 2023. An election and credentials committee will count the ballots by Feb. 20 and the election results will then be announced.

If you have questions regarding this year’s election, please call the Prairie Land office in Norton at 785-877-3323 or 800-577-3323.