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This topic was featured in the June 2024 Kansas Country Living Centerspread.


Whether you are looking for free or low-cost ways to save energy or need to make a major purchase that will help pay for itself over time due to energy savings, here are some ways to make a difference.


•Turn off lights when you leave a room.
•Program your thermostat.
•Use sunlight for heat in the winter.
•Fully load dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers.
•Use window coverings to keep out cold or heat.
•Turn off electronics when not in use.

•Use smart strips that turn off power to unused items.
•Make sure your HVAC system is serviced regularly and filters are changed as often as recommended. 
•Purchase an insulating blanket made for hot water heaters.
•Find and fill air leaks in your home.
•Caulk between window/door frames and walls.
•Install a smart thermostat.

Major Purchases
•Upgrade to a high-efficiency HVAC system.
•Purchase energy-efficient appliances.
•Insulate attics, exterior walls, basements and crawl spaces.
•Purchase a clothes dryer with a moisture sensor.
•Purchase a water-saving dishwasher or washing machine.
•Replace old windows with energy-efficient versions.